

The leader in graphic design, web and
marketing services for the arts, nonprofit
and small business communities.


Stationery & Gifts
with a
Fine Art Flair!


Featuring the Textile & Surface
Pattern Design & Fine Art Work
of Kathy Canfield Shepard |
December 2013
In this issue:
Great Holiday Gift Ideas,
a New Online Portfolio,
and a New Project Showcase
- The Swimming Paintbrush® features some great gift ideas for the holidays and new year.
- In our KC Shepard Art section, we introduce the launch of the textile and surface pattern design portfolio of Kathy Canfield Shepard.
- In our Canfield Design Studios division we highlight two of our recent brochure design projects.
And be sure to check out our two special holiday offers below.
We hope you enjoy this issue, and wish you all the very best for the holidays and new year!

Kathy Canfield Shepard, President
Canfield Design Studios, Inc.

Full Textile and Surface Pattern Design Portfolio
is Now Online
Kathy Canfield Shepard has been an artist for most of her life, working in a variety of mediums and techniques. Most recently, she has entered the world of textile and surface pattern design, apprenticing with one of the leading designers in this field, at the Institute for Textile Print Design in Berkeley, California. She specializes in high-end, custom designs, and is trained in a variety of techniques and skills specifically required for this industry. In this section of our newsletter, we feature some of her latest designs.
Click here to see her textile and surface pattern design resumé >>>
Check out the full portfolio now >>>

© Kathy Canfield Shepard

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La Dolce Vita Wine Tours
2014 Brochure
Canfield Design Studios is proud to highlight the design we provided for the La Dolce Vita Wine Tours 2014 Brochure. We also designed their website at dolcetours.com.
See More >>>
Brooklyn Chamber Music Society
Fall 2013 Brochure
We also recently designed the Fall 2013 Brochure for the Brooklyn Chamber Music Society, and have provided the design for their website at brooklynchambermusicsociety.org.
See More >>>
A Reminder - we now offer instruction in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign
Canfield Design Studios now offers instruction in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign, for individuals or small groups. CONTACT US to discuss an option that's right for you.
See more of our recent web projects >>>
See more of our recent print projects >>>
10% off any new design project
through December 31, 2013
Canfield Design Studios helps those in the arts, nonprofit, and small business communities to promote their businesses and projects. Contact us today to see how we can help you - our clients have seen immediate results! During the month of December 2013, receive 10% off any new design project.