The leader in graphic design, web and marketing services for the arts, nonprofit and small business communities.
June 2009
Summer is almost upon us -
will YOU be ready for the new season?
Client Spotlight:
Patterson Hornworks
The Swimming Paintbrush ®
appearance at the
National Stationery Show
About Us
It's hard to believe that Summer is almost upon us! Before we know it, the new Fall season will be here - will you be ready?
Summer is a great time to get all of your marketing ducks in a row. To help you get ready, Canfield Design Studios is continuing to offer our FREE consultation. In addition, through the end of August, we will also offer a 10% discount on any new design or development project. See below for all of the details!
In this issue we also highlight our recently launched website for horn maker Patterson Hornworks, and thank everyone who visited our sister company, The Swimming Paintbrush ® in May at the National Stationery Show.
We hope you enjoy this issue, and as always, we welcome your thoughts.
Wishing you a wonderful Summer!

Kathy Canfield Shepard, President
Canfield Design Studios, Inc.

We are pleased to announce the recent launch of our newly created website for Patterson Hornworks. The Patterson Hornworks staff is made up entirely of professional musicians, most of whom are horn players. As such, they speak the same language and share the same joy of making music. Helping their customers make better music is their highest priority.
Click here to visit the new site >>>
See more of our website projects here >>>

Canfield Design Studios is continuing to offer our FREE consultation to anyone who is interested. This time can be used to explore different marketing options, or to discuss a specific project. In addition, through the end of August, we will also offer a 10% discount on any new design or development project. You must mention this newsletter consultation offer when contacting us.
If you think you can't afford a new website or marketing piece, please
ask us — we have a variety of options designed to get you up and running in ANY economy!

Canfield Design Studios works with those in the arts and nonprofit communities who need business support in how to market their
projects, and with businesses and entrepreneurs who need help in
marketing their businesses in a more creative way.
We Offer:
- Website Design & Development
- Print, Logo & Identity Design
- Illustration
- Consulting & Training
Click here to learn more and see our portfolio >>>